St Brendans Park have been invited by Killarney Celtic to play in their 7- aside tournament to take place at their grounds this Saturday 31st May 2014.
We are hoping to take 3 teams made up of U11 and U12 players from our club , details of which have been sent out to the respective teams.
We will be leaving from Christy Leahy Park at 8.45am and will return at approx 5.30pm that evening.
All Players attending should bring the following:-
- Black shorts/socks
- Boots to suit all weather & grass
- Shinpads
- Clothing to suit the weather conditions on day
- Sun screen (as required)
- Packed lunch or pocket money for take away van/shop at the grounds,if preferred.
Transport arrangements will be confirmed in coming days.
It should be a great fun day out with loads of football thrown in!!!!!!!!
Any questions please contact:
U12 Coach – Padraig 0860489460 or John 0879395536
U11 Coach – Robert 0873587848
See below further details of the tournament
The Dermot O’Callaghan Town Twinning Tournament featuring the Gathering Cup will be held Saturday May 31st, 2014
This tournament will involve 24 under 12 teams who will play in 7 aside competitions. The teams involved in the tournament are:
Staffanstorp, Sweden————5 teams
Killarney Celtic —-6 teams
Rockmount, Cork—- 3 teams
Kenmare ———–3 teams
St Brendans Park —3 teams
Kingdom Boys —1 team
Killorglin—1 team
Ballyhar ——–1 team
Killarney Athletic ———-1 team
The matches start at 10am and are 20 minutes per match (no Half-time)
There will be 6 pitches set up and a group of 4 on each pitch.
Every team will get 5—20 minute matches.
Lunch is 1-2pm —Games resume at 2 and continue until 4pm
The O’Callaghan family who have sponsored the cups will be on hand to present the group winners cups. The media is invited to take photos—also Sweden will have over 100 people travelling.
Indirect and Direct free kicks are allowed.
For free kicks opposition must be 10 yards from the ball.
Goal kicks must be taken off the ground.
Throw-ins only from the sidelines.
Corners must be taken from the corner flag.
No Offside rule.
Size 4 ball must be used.
Panel of 10 players.
Roll on/off subs.
Prize Giving directly after the matches
After early games –groups resorted for semi-finals and finals.
Cup and medals for winners of each group.